GC Packed Columns and Column Packings
Ohio Valley offers GC Packed Columns in glass, metal, and PTFE. Several different stock metal GC packed columns are listed on our website. Custom GC packed columns are also available. Orders for custom-made columns will be given immediate attention and most will be shipped within 24 hours from receipt of order. Packed columns can be made with any combination of support and liquid phase listed on our website. We will make every effort to supply your requirements for other supports or liquid phases. We have over 50 years of experience in packing preparation and column techniques. Columns are supplied with brass fittings, unless otherwise listed. See our Request A Quote page.
Ohio Valley offers several different stock GC Column Packings on our website. These are supplied in 20 gram unit sizes, unless otherwise specified. Custom GC Column Packings are also available. Orders for custom-made GC Column Packings will be given immediate attention and most will be shipped within 24 hours from receipt of order. We can supply GC Column Packings made with any combination of support and liquid phase listed on our website. We will make every effort to supply your requirements for other supports or liquid phases. See our Request A Quote page.
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